Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm back!!

Okay, I'm back for more... errr, I mean you're back for-.... no, I'm back and I'm going to write more. That's it.

To bring you up to speed, we are in the new house... the commute sucks, but I'm in a good place with work right now, and presently working to become a very well-rounded professional (I know it sounds hokey, but bite me).

That's about it... I live a pretty mundane life now (as if I didn't before).

The philosophy project will be restarted soon... I am also working on another blog project, but it won't be up for a while since I need to really take time to carefully write the content (it's more related to what I do for a living).


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Frye79 said...

Yay! You're back!!

Finally, dude!

Ok, I'm waiting for the next wonderful writing from Jay!

Test said...

"Well-rounded" huh. Should I be a nice friend and just not go there? Glad to see you're back at posting. I can't wait to see this house!