Tuesday, February 26, 2008

after last night...

I figure I should lighten up a little... after I got all that stress up off my chest. My job gets to me sometimes and I just have to blow it all out to feel better. So, with that in mind... I have a few links that I collected while aimlessly stumbling.

Amazing Drum Solo
: a video of the 2005 DCI Individual Tenors Champ, playing a solo he composed himself. I've seen a few decent drummers over the years, but what this guy did is amazing... awesome, even.

: a parody of COPS, but with Imperial Storm Troopers. Good for a chuckle.

What does your brand of Sci-Fi say about your outlook on the future? Check it out here.

Dumb bumper sticker idea.

Have Fun.

1 comment:

Test said...

Shocker, Drew likes the tenors vid. That guy was amazing. I certainly wish back in my day I had that kind of speed. In addition to speed be built up a pretty sweet groove with it, and did some amazing 'tricks' as well. Good find.