Sunday, February 24, 2008

I don't have anything to talk about...

Nothing is really going on right now, but I feel that I should make an entry.

Here is a new link for you to check out (I know someone in particular will get a laugh out of this):

If you're a Family Guy fan, you will know why this is funny... if you're a bit of a bigot, you'll laugh too.

Oh, you know you can take online classes like the smart kids at Yale now? Yeah, they have something called Open Yale Courses where you can basically take a course offered at that school online for free. It's not for credit, but if you're like me and like expanding your horizons, it's interesting. Other schools have similar programs (Harvard, MIT ...) so get out there and learn something!

That is all. Good Day (er, night).

1 comment:

Frye79 said...


love the website - such details (love Family Guy).
